3-1 Define CSS Preprocessor

What does a CSS Preprocessor do?

A CSS preprocessor is a program that lets you generate CSS from the preprocessor’s own unique syntax.

What are the advantages of using a CSS Preprocessor?

Advantages of using a css preprocessor is it makes code easier to read, especially on big projects or big websites. Css preprocessor lets you use variables, mixins, functions and also reusability of code. You can also join multiple files into one file, with @import.

What are the disadvantages or issues you need to consider when using a CSS Preprocessor?

Some disadvantages are compilation takes longer time. They can produce very large CSS files. Extra tooling and developer inconvenience. Also debugging is harder.

List at least FIVE CSS Preprocessor currently available.

Sass, Stylus, Less, PostCSS, Pleease.

Research Web Development jobs and see how many or them list a CSS Preprocessor as one of their desired skills.

Flying Hippo - Requires XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, XML, JSON, PHP

Cohesive creative and Code - Requires HTML, CSS/SCSS, Javascript, Ruby on Rails, React.js (or PHP, .NET, similar technologies)

Blue Frog Dynamic Marketing - Requires HTML, CSS, Javascript/jQuery

Competitive Edge - Requires ASP, ASP.NET, Microsoft SQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Webspec Design - Requires Git, CSS/SASS, HTML5, JS/jQuery, UI/UX